Sunday, December 31, 2000

Alistair Cooke's Letter From America

Alistair Cooke has been issuing his Letter From America over the BBC for 64 years. The BBC's website archives transcripts and recordings of his weekly broadcast. The earliest one I could find online dates from Friday, October 9, 1998. It is broadcast number 2,590. The most recent broadcast online, as of this writing, is dated December 25, 2000. It is broadcast number 2,705.

Nick Clarke, a BBC Radio 4 presenter (who has written a biography of Cooke) says: "the Letter is not just the longest running radio broadcast in human history, it is still now what it always was: one man's lifelong crusade to slay misconceptions and prejudice, in a quest for the Holy Grail of Anglo-American harmony."

Here is the main page for Letter From America

Here are several recent transcripts (and audio recordings) pertaining to (what else?) the elections:

The Day of Judgement
Paralysis By Analysis
A Legal Artichoke
It's a Nine Ring Circus and You'll Never Be Bored
Bedazzled and Bewildered
An Embarrassing Relic of Authoritarianism
How Wrong We've Been, From Madison to Roosevelt

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