Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Joel Evolution

I wouldn't want to slight my son:

Tabblo: Joel Evolution

We've been fascinated to watch our son grow from a shy, introspective, scholarly kid into the blues-guitar-playing, Theater Arts major at Oberlin. If you'd told us that this was the direction he'd be taking when he left middle school we would not have believed you. We have a feeling Joel is going to keep us guessing for many years to come. We're proud he's grown independent and disciplined enough to make his own path.

... See my Tabblo>

Monday, August 07, 2006

Yet Another Attempt To Resucitate This Sucker

It seems that all my energies have gone into posting photos to flickr, for some time now. Recently I discovered, which permits me to arrange the photos into nice, poster-like presentations. Maybe this will be the spur I need to start posting to this long-neglected blog. I give you one of my first tabblo's, My Daughter Ruth

Tabblo: My Daughter Ruth

My daughter is a person of many moods and many faces. She is a constant source of surprise and (among other things) delight. ... See my Tabblo>