Sunday, October 04, 2009

On The Street Where You Live is one component of, which also encompasses StreetsWiki and StreetsBlog, as well as Community and Education components. The span of activity is global but it looks to me that these sites detect where you are logging in from and automagically tailor theirpresentations to your area.

From comes this report on the new center-median, two-way protected bike path on the Sands Street approach to the Manhattan Bridge:

My own community, Inwood/Washington Heights, has its own livable streets group, which has compiled a summary of local issues. Overall the group wants to make it easier for everyone in these communities to 'walk more, bike more, ride mass transit more, drive less.'

By making these tools available and easy to use, the LivableStreets Initiative makes it much more likely that its goals will be reached.

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